Juice Magic Programme With Accommodation
Cleanse your body, lose weight and acquire new habits!

Body detox and restoration is one of the most popular methods all over the world. Several days of the Jaunķemeri health promotion programme Juice Magic is a good start to try to acquire new, healthy habits and give your body momentum to begin functioning at a new level. In addition, the juice programme can help you lose an excess kilo or two without exerting yourself. Someone may find the programme useful just to get out of the routine rhythm and order and take a break from the never-ending rush and ‘rat race’ by immersing themselves in the refreshing and relaxing programme rituals.
The Juice Magic offers two programmes with different duration which can be personalised in two ways: for those who prefer massage and for those who prefer mud therapy.
You can choose from 2 programme durations and A and B programme options. We recommend:
- 3-day programme for body detox
- 5-day programme for both detox and weight loss
It’s time to take care of yourself!
Programme duration – 3 or 5 days
The programme is intended for people who want to understand how to lose excess weight. For many of us, it stands in the way of our self-confidence and quality of life. Although in reality, excess weight is associated with something more serious, i.e. physical conditions caused by the high body mass risk. This programme is good for detox and restoration and for promoting healthy habits.
Check in at 8:00 till10:00 AM, check out until 21:00 PM
The offer includes:
• Single, twin or family room
• 4 meals a day Please note that in Covid-19 conditions, meals for the Juice Magic programme participants are served in the dining hall on the ground floor.
• Doctor consultation
• Observation by medical professionals
• Treatments and exercises according to the programme package
We believe that the world will become a better place if we keep our bodies active and beautiful and our minds balanced and peaceful, but at the same we know that in the daily rush we often don’t have the time to stop and think and to take care of ourselves. The Juice Magic health promotion programme can serve as a springboard and the first step to propel you to a healthier lifestyle.
We will be happy to see you in our JUICE MAGIC programme whenever you feel the need to pamper yourself, replenish your energy reserves and lose that kilo or two. It’s time to take care of you! It’s time to keep those healthy lifestyle resolutions!
The only thing we truly own in this life is our body. We often think how to get our home, our affairs and our environment in order, but it is as important to sort out our habits and maybe learn something new. Our specialists in the Juice Magic health programme know how to inspire, so come and join our spring clean for the body!
Make time for yourself!
Our short programme version is for those who are busy or just want to give it a try. Our 3-day Juice Magic programme is available in two different variants, i.e. Option A (focused on massage) and Option B (focused on mud therapy):
Option A (focused on massage)
- Healthy diet programme – low-calorie detox diet therapy (freshly pressed juices, healthy meals, herbal teas) – 4 times a day
- Health monitoring by your attending doctor
- Physiotherapist consultation – determining your load tolerance and body mass index, weight monitoring during the programme
- Healthy lifestyle masterclass with our nutritionist on principles of healthy diet OR group session with a psychologist OR physiotherapist – 1 session
- Group physiotherapy session (Nordic walking training, healthy back, water aerobics, gym) – 1 or 2 sessions a day (depending on your load tolerance)
- Massage (classic or ayurvedic, 1 h) – 1 session
- Underwater massage – 1 session
- Lymphatic drainage (for legs) using intermittent pneumatic compression – 2 sessions
- Salt therapy – 1 session a day
- Hydro massage in the pool – 1 session
- Sauna complex and pool – 1 session
* Your treatment plan will be drawn up based on recommendations of your attending doctor and can be expanded (see additional treatments). If you have any special requests, please add them in the Additional Information field in your application questionnaire.
Twin or single room (comfortable room, bathroom with shower, TV, WiFi zones).
Ask us for the nearest available date for booking by contacting us by phone or email.
Option B (focused on mud therapy)
- Healthy diet programme – low-calorie detox diet therapy (freshly pressed juices, healthy meals, herbal teas) – 4 times a day
- Health monitoring by your attending doctor
- Physiotherapist consultation – determining your load tolerance and body mass index, weight monitoring during the programme
- Healthy lifestyle masterclass with our nutritionist on principles of healthy diet OR group session with a psychologist OR physiotherapist – 1 session
- Group physiotherapy session (Nordic walking training, healthy back, water aerobics, gym) – 1 or 2 sessions a day (depending on your load tolerance)
- Mineral water bath – 2 sessions
- Mud application (body wrap for problematic areas) – 1 session
- Salt therapy in the salt room – 1 session a day
- Sauna complex and pool – 1 session
* Your treatment plan will be drawn up based on recommendations of your attending doctor and can be expanded (see additional treatments). If you have any special requests, please add them in the Additional Information field in your application questionnaire.
Twin or single room (comfortable room, bathroom with shower, TV, WiFi zones).
Our short programme version is for those who are busy or just want to give it a try. Our 3-day Juice Magic programme is available in two different variants, i.e. Option A (focused on massage) and Option B (focused on mud therapy):
Option A (focused on massage)
- Healthy diet programme – low-calorie detox diet therapy (freshly pressed juices, healthy meals, herbal teas) – 4 times a day
- Health monitoring by your attending doctor
- Physiotherapist consultation – determining your load tolerance and body mass index, weight monitoring during the programme
- Healthy lifestyle masterclass with our nutritionist on principles of healthy diet OR group session with a psychologist OR physiotherapist – 1 session
- Group session with a psychologist, or Yoga Nidra, or lecture by an occupational therapist, or medical Cigun
- Group physiotherapy session (Nordic walking training, healthy back, water aerobics, gym) – 1 or 2 sessions a day (depending on your load tolerance)
- Massage (classic or ayurvedic, 1 h) – 1 session
- Underwater massage – 1 session
- Lymphatic drainage (for legs) using intermittent pneumatic compression – 2 sessions
- Salt therapy – 1 session a day
- Hydro massage in the pool – 1 session
- Sauna complex and pool – 1 session
* Your treatment plan will be drawn up based on recommendations of your attending doctor and can be expanded (see additional treatments). If you have any special requests, please add them in the Additional Information field in your application questionnaire.
Twin or single room (comfortable room, bathroom with shower, TV, WiFi zones).
Ask us for the nearest available date for booking by contacting us by phone or email.
Option B (focused on mud therapy)
- Healthy diet programme – low-calorie detox diet therapy (freshly pressed juices, healthy meals, herbal teas) – 4 times a day
- Health monitoring by your attending doctor
- Physiotherapist consultation – determining your load tolerance and body mass index, weight monitoring during the programme
- Healthy lifestyle masterclass with our nutritionist on principles of healthy diet OR group session with a psychologist OR physiotherapist – 1 session during the programme
- Group session with a psychologist, or Yoga Nidra, or lecture by an occupational therapist, or medical Cigun
- Group physiotherapy session (Nordic walking training, healthy back, water aerobics, gym) – 1 or 2 sessions a day (depending on your load tolerance)
- Mineral water bath – 2 sessions during the programme
- Mud application (body wrap for problematic areas) – 1 session during the programme
- Salt therapy in the salt room – 1 session a day
- Sauna complex and pool – 1 session during the programme
* Your treatment plan will be drawn up based on recommendations of your attending doctor and can be expanded (see additional treatments). If you have any special requests, please add them in the Additional Information field in your application questionnaire.
Twin or single room (comfortable room, bathroom with shower, TV, WiFi zones).
Unused procedures in the offer will not be replaced or reimbursed.
For an additional fee we provide: laboratory diagnostics, diagnostic examinations, specialist consultations, additional procedures according to the indications.
Important information
- When you begin your medical rehabilitation course, you must have an identity document with you (passport or ID card).
You should have with you:
- Identity document (passport or ID card)
- Swimwear
- Pool slippers
- Swim cap (or a shower cap)
- Comfortable clothes and footwear for Nordic walking
- Personal hygiene products
- Hairdryer (if necessary)
- For the salt therapy treatment, you need to buy a salt room visit kit (EUR 3.80), available at the Rehabilitation Centre Jaunķemeri kiosk or at the Fito bar.
Before coming to the Rehabilitation Centre, please carefully read:
For additional information or to book a service, click here
- Programmā "Sulu maģija" baudīsiet četras maltītes dienā pēc sabalansētas, veģetāras mazkaloriju (1000 kcal dienā) ēdienkartes, kurā iekļauti graudaugi, dārzeņi, augļi, ogas, fermentēti piena produkti, pākšaugi, soja, rieksti, sēklas.
- Diētas sastāvā puse no iekļautajiem produktiem ir svaigi, neapstrādāti.
- Diena sākas ar zaļo šotiņu, kura sastāvā ir seleriju kāti, citrons, gurķi, āboli, spirulīna.
- Katru dienu tiek nodrošināts vismaz viens silts ēdiens.
- Kūres laikā tiek piedāvātas zāļu tējas, ingvera dzēriens, ūdens ar citronu, dzērvenēm, piparmētru neierobežotā daudzumā.
- Ēdienkartei ir sezonāls raksturs un to izstrādājusi uztura speciāliste Ilze Lutere.
- Ar pavasara-vasaras sezonas ēdienkarti var iepazīties ŠEIT.